Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I had lunch with a friend from high school today.  It was very refreshing.  Our children played well together.  Of course homeschool curriculum was a topic.  As someone who has done almost all types, I am always eager to hear someone else's thoughts on their style.  She actually just started using a book that I have been thinking of using for my son this coming fall.

By the way, since I have just begun this blog...........I am 37 years old.  Married.  I homeschool my four children.  They are boy-15, boy-9, girl-5 and boy-2.  I live in California.  I guess that's all I'll say now.  I do have many, many things to talk about.  I have started blogs before and then stopped.  It seems I get stage fright when I think about all the hundreds of people that are sure to read what I write.  In reality, I obviously think I am that good that anyone would want to read this.  And actually, I think that since I won't tell but a couple people about this, who will really read what I write?!

So, as I was saying, I did have a nice afternoon.  I came home and made brown rice with chicken stock, carrot sticks, steamed broccoli, mixed leaves salad and shredded chicken sauce? (my children called it goop and they liked it, but actually goop is a good description.)

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